
Chairman; Fatema-Bulbul Foundation, Bangladesh [2010/05 – Cont]
– Serving the underprivileged community by providing annual scholarships to obtain vocational/ technical skills.

Founding President; Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College Alumni Association, Bangladesh [2007/09 – 2022/12]
– Founded and led the organization of 1500+ physicians: arranged yearly alumni meet including grand reunion of over 1000 participants, several career development and networking events through partnership with several healthcare and pharmaceutical companies, organized free medical camps and relief programs in the event of natural disaster, raised cumulative funds of approximately $100,000.

Scientific Event Judge; University of Toronto; University of Western Ontario; FLASF- Ontario, Canada [2020 – 2023]
Assessed the scientific content, and presentation and provided feedback to presenters to help them improve their research communication skills:
– Frontiers in Physiology Research Symposium, University of Toronto, Canada
– Medical School Research Symposium, University of Western Ontario, Canada
– The Frontenac, Lennox & Addington Science Fair, Ontario, Canada

Facilitator, Organizer & Moderator; Research Symposium & Initiative @ University of Toronto, Canada [2021 – 2024]
– Facilitated lab visits and research shadowing for Research Application Support Initiative (RASI) programs.
– Organized the Frontiers in Physiology (FIP) symposium in 2021 and moderated oral presentation sessions of the event in 2021.

Council Member; Physiology Graduate Students’ Association, University of Toronto [2020/09 – 2021/08]
– Represented the association in the University Central Graduate Students’ union (UTGSU): attended monthly meetings, forwarded issues to the union, coordinated union events, and voted on the union’s agendas.

Vice-President; Queen’s Bangladeshi Students’ Association, Kingston, Canada [2018/09 – 2020/06]
– Coordinated various community engagement initiatives and showcased Bangladeshi culture to diverse audiences both within the university and in external settings.

Central Councillor; Bangladesh Medical Association (BMA) [2012/08 – 2016/11]
– As an elected leader of the nation’s largest medical association, worked on supporting doctors’ needs and advocated for better patient care. Collaborated with physicians to influence healthcare policies and laws at the national level, aiming to improve healthcare standards and public perceptions.

Publication Secretary; Bangladesh Private Medical Practitioners’ Association (BPMPA) [2010/05 – 2017/11]
– As a private physician representative, collaborated with healthcare partners to increase the impact of physicians. Worked to reform the complex healthcare system, integrating public-private partnerships and improving the overall patient care standards. Served as the managing editor of the association’s scientific journal.

President; Intern (Trainee) Doctors Association, Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College Hospital, Bangladesh [2006/02 – 2007/01]
– Served as the association’s official spokesperson, and represented trainee doctors’ interests and concerns to relevant stakeholders. Worked to promote opportunities for professional development among trainee doctors.